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CL:AIRE is currently undertaking a survey of construction industry professionals to assess potential approaches that could be taken to ensure that materials management follows good practice and goes digital in the coming year.

We are all aware that business is driven by “going digital” to create more effective and efficient ways of working in all sectors. The construction sector is adopting digital business management systems more widely for its supply chains and customer services to meet the sustainable delivery of environmental management requirements.  One element of the supply chain that has always tailed behind other parts of the package is how “wastes” are managed. To target the traceability of “waste” and “potential” waste materials, the Government will introduce mandatory digital tracking for waste management (see Government Policy Paper - Mandatory digital waste tracking).

Under the circular economy model, the construction sector is looking at a more sustainable method to manage excavated materials so that disposal of “wastes” is avoided. To do so, CL:AIRE’s Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoW CoP) has been increasingly adopted by the industry since its launch in 2008.  To keep pace with other systems managing construction wastes, sustainable material reuse systems must also look to align soil transfers with a digital management system –  Digital Tracking.

Please assist us along this journey by completing this survey by Friday 8 March 2024, see the link below.


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