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WALL is a freely available, extensive list of links to past and present water and land references published by the Environment Agency (EA), AGS, BRE, CIRIA and other useful industry publishers. It mirrors the different sections of the EA Land Contamination Risk Management web pages.

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Key documents

Risk assessment (INFO-RA)

Risk assessment is the formal process of identifying, assessing and evaluating the risks to health and the environment that may be posed by the condition of a site. If a site is contaminated, a risk assessment helps you decide whether it is a problem.

Options appraisal (INFO-OA)

If an assessment shows there are unacceptable risks, you need to consider and evaluate feasible remediation options and determine the most appropriate remediation strategy for the site.

Implementation of the Remediation Strategy (INFO-IMP)

Once a remediation strategy has been prepared you need to consider how to implement it. You also need to demonstrate that remediation has been and continues to be effective.

Site Characterisation (INFO-SC)

In order to characterise the site it is important to design a survey which combines a number of requirements such as soil sampling patterns and frequency, groundwater investigations, the establishment of background levels of substances. It is also important to develop a conceptual model of the site at an early stage and to refine the conceptual model during the investigation programme.

Project Management (INFO-PM)

It is important that the remediation strategy is put into place in an effective and orderly manner that will deliver the remediation objectives agreed for the project. Health and safety need to be considered at the outset. Communication and consultation with relevant parties is an integral part of the plan.