Below are PDF documents featuring the meeting notes produced by SuRF-UK. Please note some of these documents are provided in two parts due to file size.
1. Inaugural Sustainability Meeting, 18th June 2007
- Sustainable Remediation: A Regulator’s Perspective – Brian Bone, Environment Agency
- Innovation, Policy and Costs for Soil Remediation – Hans Vanduijne, TNO
- Industry Perspective: Sustainability Calculator – Frank Evans, National Grid Property
- Sustainability in Remediation: SURF and DuPont – David Ellis, DuPont Engineering
- Integrating Sustainability into EPA’s Cleanup Programs – Deborah Goldblum, US EPA
- Economic Analysis for Sustainable Remediation Decision Making – Stuart Arch, WorleyParsons Komex
- The Shell Approach – Philippa Scott, Shell
- Inaugural Sustainability Meeting Notes
2. SuRF UK Launch Meeting, 13th May 2008
- Progress from Last Meeting – Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Sustainable Remediation: Policy Drivers and Framework – Frank Evans, National Grid
- Sustainability Appraisal Tools – Paul Bardos, r3 Environmental Technology Ltd
- Sustainable Remediation in the US: Progress so Far – David Ellis, DuPont Engineering
- Soil and Groundwater Risk Management, Sustainability and Net Environmental Value – David Reinke & Philippa Scott, Shell Global Solutions and Stuart Arch, WorleyParsons Komex
- Launch of Sustainable Remediation Forum UK Meeting Notes
3. SuRF-UK "Open Forum" Meeting, 18th November 2008
- Sustainable Forum Meeting Notes
- Progress From Last Meeting - Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Consultation Responses and Pertinent Points - Dr Richard Boyle, English Partnerships
- A Framework for Assessing Sustainable Remediation - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions and Frank Evans, National Grid Property
- NICOLE Working Group on Sustainable Remediation - Johan de Fraye, Olivier Maurer and Paul Bardos, NICOLE
- Update from the US Sustainable Remediation Forum - David E. Ellis, DuPont Engineering
- An Indicator Hierarchy - Prof Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology Ltd
4. SuRF-UK "Open Forum" Meeting, 18th March 2009
- Sustainable Forum Meeting Notes
- Agenda
- Progress From Last Meeting - Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Conceptualisation of SuRF UK Framework - Dr Richard Boyle, Homes and Communities Agency
- SuRF UK Framework: Final Draft - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions and Frank Evans, National Grid Property
- SuRF UK: The Project Deliverables - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions
- SuRF Open Forum Meeting: Phase 1 Final - Prof Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology ltd
5. SuRF-UK Phase 2 Workshop Meeting, 14th July 2010
- Agenda
- Meeting Notes
- Aim of the Day - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions
- Exercises - Specialist and Non Specialist
- Background to SuRF-UK - Dr Richard Boyle, Homes and Communities Agency
- Case Study 1 - Petroleum Retail Site - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions
- Case Study 2 - Historic Copper Mine - Prof Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology Ltd
- Case Study 3 - Brownfield Redevelopment - Frank Evans, National Grid Property Ltd
6. SuRF-UK Phase 2 Workshop Meeting 20th October 2010
Presentations: PLEASE NOTE the same presentations were delivered as July 14th 2010 except Case Study 3 which is attached.
- Agenda -Attached
- Meeting Notes - Attached
- Aim of the Day – Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Background to SuRF-UK - Dr Richard Boyle, Homes and Communities Agency
- Case Study 1 - Petroleum Retail Site - Prof Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions UK
- Case Study 2 - Historic Copper Mine - Prof Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology Ltd
- Case Study 3 – Presentation and working through Case Study No.3 – Brownfield Redevelopment. – Attached : SuRF Developing a sustainability assessment on a brownfield site
7. SuRF-UK Phase 2 Workshop Meeting 19th January 2011
- Agenda
- Meeting Notes
- Aim of the Day - Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Introduction and benefits - Dr Richard Boyle, Homes and Communities Agency
- Case Study 1 - Petroleum Retail Site - Jonathan Smith, Shell Global Solutions
- Case Study 2 - Initial Sustainability Assessmentof a C-CURE biochar application - Prof Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology Ltd
- Group work - Developing a Sustainability Assessment on a Brownfield site - Naomi Regan
- Exercise 1 - Group 1 - Output Reporting - Stakeholders Feedback
- Exercise 1 - Group 2 - Output Reporting - Options Feedback
- SuRF-UK Indicator Worksheet - Final with Feedback
8. First International SURF Groups and Partners Meeting 17th July 2012
- Agenda
- Welcome and Objectives
- Aim of the Day - Nicola Harries, CL:AIRE
- Introductions
- Brainstorm
- Next steps