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CL:AIRE is a UK charity committed to providing a valuable service for all those involved in sustainable land reuse.
We develop training resources, disseminate information and act as a credible resource for all stakeholders, ensuring we remain at the cutting-edge of best practice and innovation.


Improving efficiency & raising standards
Improving efficiency & raising standards
Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoWCoP), National Quality Mark Scheme for Land Affected by Contamination (NQMS), Asbestos in Soil, SuRF...
Supporting our Members
Supporting our Members
Find out about the benefits of becoming a CL:AIRE Principal or Supporter Member:- Member discounts, Networking, Working Groups, ...
Sharing Knowledge & Developing People
Sharing Knowledge & Developing People
Water and Land Library ( WALL), Continuing Professional development through Training and workshops...
CL:AIRE Membership
CL:AIRE works with its Members to raise awareness and pursue shared objectives in land, water and environmental management by collecting strategic industry information and developing industry initiatives that improve efficiency and save money.
Gas Protection Verification Scheme (GPVS)
The GPVS seeks to raise standards in membrane inspection, verification and reporting and provide confidence that risks associated with ground gases have been adequately managed.
Definition of Waste Code of Practice
The Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoWCoP) provides a clear, consistent and efficient process which enables the reuse of excavated materials on-site or their movement between sites.

Find out more...Register of materials...
Make a declaration...
NQMS for Land Contamination Management
The National Quality Mark Scheme for Land Contamination Management (NQMS) is developed by the National Brownfield Forum to provide visible identification of documents that have been checked for quality.

Article Index

In 2011 we launched our Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice (DoWCoP) version 2. This featured a significant extension to the scope of scenarios which could benefit from this approach to reusing excavated materials. Since April 2012 over 259 projects have diverted approximately 5,242,128m3 tonnes of excavated material from landfill. This equates to an average of over 20,000m3 per project.

In order to maintain and improve this successful initiative, a new sponsorship opportunity has arisen for the creation of version 3 of the code. With the support from the Environment Agency and the DoWCoP steering group, CL:AIRE will lead the development for this new version. This will be a further significant development of the use and recognition of a best practice framework in ensuring quality products come to the marketplace and waste disposal to landfill is substantially reduced. There has been interest in the DoWCoP framework for soils re-use internationally, so sponsors will get wide coverage as CL:AIRE promotes the finalised version 3 with all its contacts. The aim of the project is to draft documents and undertake the relevant negotiations with the regulators and industry to introduce the  potential extensions and improvements as outlined below.

  • A more streamlined procedure for small quantities of material arising from recovery of soils type materials at permitted facilities (e.g. 1000m3 - 5000m3);
  • An expansion of the scope of the Direct Transfer scenario to include excavated materials that are not clean or naturally occurring (with appropriate limitations);
  • Allow for the reuse of manufactured soils e.g. with the addition of PAS 100 compost, under the DoWCoP if to be blended at site of production, i.e. permitted site already covered for this process under permitted treatment to create soils type products;
  • Qualified Person involvement with particularly large receiver sites e.g. soil treatment facilities on former landfills e.g. threshold approach - declaration following the treatment of an agreed volume;
  • Review the role of the Qualified Person relating to Verification Reports (to provide greater confidence that best practice has actually been followed in reusing the excavated material);
  • Detail the minimum information requirements e.g. Desk Top Study information (particularly for Direct Transfer of clean naturally occurring soils where speed of production is key), tracking system, delivery ticket.
  • Provide greater context of where the DoWCoP fits with other documents / guidance e.g. schematic showing WRAP Quality Protocol / recent Defra guidance on Definition of Waste on “by products”, exemptions and Standard Rules Environmental Permits. Highlight other mechanisms for reuse other than in accordance with the DoWCoP;
  • Provide background and further explanation to Watch-point 15;
  • Expand on the definition of clean;
  • Explain how topsoil is sold as a non-waste; and
  • Storage of excavated material at a source site or alternative facility with no identified certainty of use e.g. good quality material for which a beneficial use would be reasonably expected to be found (including suitable timeframes).

CL:AIRE expects the development work for the above to be carried out throughout 2013. In order to begin this process sponsorship for this work is required upfront. CL:AIRE no longer receives Government funding, as such, project funds must be raised in advance of work commencing.

If your organisation is looking to link to and gain brand coverage with a successful, widely used initiative we hope this offer is of interest. Perhaps your organisation has benefited from using the DoWCoP and you’d like to support its ongoing administration and development. CL:AIRE is not able to support the ongoing maintenance and development of this initiative without the support of the industry. If the DoWCoP is valuable to your organisation please take the time to consider this opportunity.

The Offer -

All previous versions of the DoWCoP have carried branding of organisations who have provided financial assistance. This version will be no different, except that CL:AIRE intends to make supporters logos even more prominent.

Version 2 of the document has been downloaded from the CL:AIRE website nearly 7,000 times since its launch. A further print run of 1,000 copies have also been circulated. There are a number of supporting documents associated with the DoWCoP such as Guidance Bulletin 3 which has been download 1,000 times in the last year. Finally, sponsor logos are also given coverage on all DoWCoP training materials. Since the launch of version 2, CL:AIRE has trained over 300 professionals from the industry.

For this new version of the DoWCoP CL:AIRE requires a minimum of £50,000 sponsorship. This will allow the necessary work to be carried out writing the new version but will also contribute to the ongoing cost of administering the initiative.  To achieve this amount CL:AIRE proposes 5 branding berths be made available with exclusivity provided to organisations from different sectors e.g.

  • x1 berth available for a consultant
  • x1 berth available for a remediation contractor
  • x1 berth available for a house builder
  • x1 berth available for a civils contractor
  • x1 berth available for a government / industry leading organisation or department.

The above suggestions are not fixed, other companies from other sectors may wish to sponsor; this is to illustrate how exclusivity of the branding opportunity will be maintained.

Each berth will be available for a total of £10,000 +VAT. In return for this amount, sponsoring organisations will receive.

  • Their logo’s prominently and located centrally on the front outer cover of the final PDF document;
  • Acknowledgment inside PDF document and a one page A4 advert or comment section within the final version of the document;
  • Logo branding on supporting literature e.g. new guidance bulletin 3;
  • Logo on PDF programme promoting the one day training course;
  • Logo in the PowerPoint presentation delivered to delegates on the one day training course (planned: 9 courses per year, ~ 15 delegates per course);
  • Logo with URL to sponsoring organisation’s website on related pages on CL:AIRE website (approx 4 pages + event calendar pages promoting the DoWCoP training course);
  • A PDF personalised certificate of sponsorship; and
  • Trade press publicity from CL:AIRE press releases announcing the launch of DoWCoP version 3.

Sponsorship berths will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis; if this is of interest to your organisation we encourage you to register an expression of interest promptly with

CL:AIRE plans to run a DoWCoP related conference in 2013 which as well as providing information on the initiative and its use, will aim to raise further funds. Sponsorship opportunities will be made available relating to this event. Other large, one-off guidance documents might be developed throughout the lifetime of DoWCoP version 3. This agreement would not cover such ancillary documents. Sponsoring organisations will be kept appraised of developments relating to the initiative.

Below is a mock-up of the potential front cover of DoWCoP version 3 to give an indication of the level of coverage expected.

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