CL:AIRE is a UK charity committed to providing a valuable service for all those involved in sustainable land reuse. We develop training resources, disseminate information and act as a credible resource for all stakeholders, ensuring we remain at the cutting-edge of best practice and innovation.
There are three key areas of activity for CL:AIRE:
Improving Efficiency & Raising Standards
CL:AIRE works with industry, through its membership to identify, common problems in the field of sustainable land management. Using its extensive experience of developing industry-led initiatives, it works with highly respected experts and government to develop solutions which are tested and critiqued by our Members to ensure they are fit for purpose.
CL:AIRE has a strong track record of carrying out industry relevant research projects, the findings of which are often used for the benefit of industry or fed into our initiatives.
CL:AIRE provides technical secretariat services for a number of industry wide programmes such as the National Brownfield Forum and the National Quality Mark Scheme.
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Supporting our Members
CL:AIRE has two types of Members: Supporters and Principal Members and CL:AIRE supports its members in a range of ways.
Our regular eAlerts keep them up-to-date with industry relevant news and events but also on the development of our industry initiatives.
Our Principal Members are given the opportunity to become directly involved in our industry-led initiatives by joining our working groups. Bringing the industry together is a core part of our membership scheme and we achieve this through regular informal networking events but also by using online social media discussion groups.
We help promote the good work and success of our members through these channels and we provide a webinar platform for members who have interesting projects or news they wish to share with the CL:AIRE Network.
CL:AIRE also has many University Members and works with them to raise the profile of the industry to the next generation of experts.
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Sharing Knowledge & Developing People
Since the beginning, CL:AIRE has always had a heavy focus on sharing knowledge throughout industry. We continue to perform this role in a number of ways including the development of the online Water & Land Library (WALL) which has become the primary and ever growing location for relevant industry guidance and support material.
CL:AIRE runs traditional classroom and online training events and courses. We develop guidance documents and materials to benchmark industry standards. We work with a number of international organisations to increase the reach of our output and the CL:AIRE network.
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Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments (CL:AIRE) is a respected independent not-for-profit organisation established in 1999 to stimulate the regeneration of contaminated land in the UK by raising awareness of, and confidence in, practical and sustainable remediation technologies.
Since 1999, CL:AIRE has grown into an organisation that does more than just demonstrate remediation technologies “in real environments”. The early years were very much focussed on land contamination and the processes and techniques in site characterisation, remediation and monitoring/verification. As the remediation industry has matured, CL:AIRE’s activities have broadened into many areas of sustainable land reuse. CL:AIRE supports a number of industry initiatives, for example, sustainable remediation and asbestos in soil, and has helped to develop more efficient regulation initiatives, such as the Definition of Waste Code of Practice for development projects and the National Quality Mark Scheme. CL:AIRE’s position in the industry makes it ideally placed to identify and help manage the challenges ahead.
CL:AIRE consists of a dedicated team of professionals who carry out its daily activities, supported by a Board of Trustees and an advisory group – the Technology and Research Group (TRG). The TRG takes a key role in CL:AIRE’s work, supporting CL:AIRE on issues associated with technology development, and providing guidance on issues relating to sustainable land reuse.
CL:AIRE is a registered charity (No. 1075611). We are also an incorporated company, limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (reg no. 3740059).
CL:AIRE Trustees
- Richard Froggatt – Chairman
- Martin Ballard
- Frank Evans
- Emma Tattersdill
- Fiona Grandison
CL:AIRE Technology and Research Group (TRG)
2025 TRG Early Career Professionals
- Hebah Abdel-Hady – Arcadis
- Patrick Moore – Wardell Armstrong
Its contents include:
- Background to CL:AIRE and the TRG
- 2024 Annual Report
- Appendix 1 – CL:AIRE activities in 2024
- Appendix 2 – TRG Member Biographies
- Appendix 3 – CL:AIRE Resources (publications, online training and eLearning)