February Highlights
Welcome to the February eAlert. Some highlights from this month include:
- CL:AIRE Members' Networking Event in Bristol (see below)
- New CL:AIRE TRG member and TRG Annual Report
- UK Governments delay mandatory digital waste tracking
- Joint advice note published on expectations for successful land quality management at nuclear licensed sites
- Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures publishes new sector guidance documents
- EiCLaR project produces range of outputs on completion
- UN special rapporteur seeks input on military activities and toxics thematic report
We are hosting our first Members’ Networking Event of 2025, in Bristol on 6 March 2025. It is a free event with food and drinks. Registration is required by competing the form: Event Registration Form by Monday 3 March 2025. Thank you to Biogenie Remediation UK Ltd, Bristol and Avon Group, UK Remediation and Vertase FLI for sponsoring. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
We've recently added a new recorded webinar to our library titled Ground gas assessment and design: Getting the right advice, delivered by EPG on 31 January 2025. The webinar focuses on reducing construction costs for unnecessary gas protection and how to protect brownfield development projects from unexpected programme delays. It also provides an update on recent key guidance publications relevant for ground gas assessment and design, and suggests what questions should be asked to ensure the best support. The webinar is available to watch for free here.
Finally, don't forget to check our full 2025 training calendar with details of our new courses and remember to book early as several courses have already sold out!
Read on and enjoy!
Best wishes
The CL:AIRE Team
CL:AIRE's Membership continues to grow. We would like to thank the following new and renewing members for their support:
Principal Members: Ashwood Homes, Remediation Waste Management Services Limited, Willmott Dixon Group
Supporter Members: EnviroSurveying Ltd, FCC Environment, Geosphere Environmental, Land Science, Oil & Pipelines Agency
Full details on the benefits of CL:AIRE Membership.
CL:AIRE is delighted to announce that its Technology and Research Group (TRG) has a new member - Brian Reid, Professor of Soil Science at the University of East Anglia.
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CL:AIRE has now published the 2024 Technology and Research Group (TRG) Annual Report and it is available to download.
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A joint advice note has been published for the nuclear sector titled Regulatory expectations for successful land quality management at nuclear licensed sites. It was issued in October 2024 by the Office for Nuclear Regulation, the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. The note sets out their shared, high-level regulatory expectations for the prevention and management of radioactive and non-radioactive contamination of the ground and water on nuclear licensed sites.
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The UK Government has announced the delay of digital waste tracking becoming mandatory in April 2025. It will now be introduced from April 2026. Read the updated policy paper here.
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has recently published sector guidance documents: Construction materials and Engineering, construction and real estate. In addition, TNFD is consulting on a sector guide - Water utilities and services, and the consultation closes on 4 April 2025. All documents are available to download and access here.
TNFD has also launched a knowledge hub for companies to upskill and take TNFD into their organisations and are running pilots on transition plans, data and state of nature data metrics.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Toxics and Human Rights has issued a call for input to its thematic report on military activities and toxics. Topics covered are wide ranging including contaminated military sites, as well as areas where armed conflict has taken place, and the use of munitions, Agent Orange, chemical weapon agents, other conflict-related pollution etc. Further information is available here.
The Special Rapporteur invites all stakeholders interested in issues relating to military activities and toxics to provide input for the preparation of the thematic report. Contributions may be country-specific, general or academic in nature. The deadline is 1 April 2025.
EiCLaR (Enhanced and Innovative In Situ Biotechnologies for Contaminated Land Remediation) was a project funded by the EU and China. It ran from January 2021 until the end of 2024 and was composed of 13 EU and 5 Chinese partners. The broad goal of EiCLaR was to enhance performance levels through fusion of different in situ bioremediation technologies with non-biological processes and to expand the range of applications to industrial sites that contain complex, high concentration pollutant mixtures. A whole host of project outputs have been produced, aimed at different stakeholders. These range from technical bulletins, a decision support tool and white papers for an end-user audience, to an animation, podcasts and an education pack for a more general audience. These outputs are summarised on CL:AIRE's EiCLaR project page.
A selection of upcoming events throughout the industry. |
CL:AIRE Members' Networking Event, 6 March 2025, Bristol
Enquiries can be made via members@claire.co.uk
Yorkshire Contaminated Land Forum (YCLF) - Advances in Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation, 7 March 2025, Sheffield
The next YCLF meeting will be held at Firth Hall, Sheffield between 9.30-12.30.
Register here
Land Condition Symposium, 11 March 2025, Wolverhampton
This one-day technical symposium, led by the IES's Land Condition Community, focuses on knowledge exchange, debate, and discussion addressing topical issues at the centre of land condition.
SiLC Annual Forum, 27 March 2025, online
This half day event will bring together industry professionals for an exciting programme of presentations and discussions.
NICOLE & PROMISCES Joint Spring Workshop, 27-28 March 2025, Frankfurt, Germany
Workshop focusing on the circular economy in the soil-sediment-water system
Hot Topics in Contaminated Land Conference, 2 April 2025, hybrid (London & online)
Call for abstracts and save the date - the Contaminated Land Group of the Geological Society of London, in conjunction with CLFNET, is hosting a hybrid event. Check the website for more information as it becomes available.
POPsNet 2025, 4 April 2025, London
A conference on Persistent Organic Pollutants, is being held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London. The event will bring together researchers from the UK and Ireland to advance the understanding of all aspects of research into UNEP/UN-ECE POPS and to disseminate this information to the wider community, including researchers, regulators and industry.
AGS Annual Conference, 1 May 2025, London
This full day event will feature a series of expert speakers from across the geotechnical and geoenvironmental sector, each presenting on a topic with an overarching theme of The Future.
SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting, 11-15 May 2025, Vienna, Austria
AquaConSoil 2025, 16-20 June 2025, Liège, Belgium
CL:AIRE Members' Networking Event, 10 July 2025, London
Enquiries can be made via members@claire.co.uk
Environmental Services & Solutions Expo, 17-18 September 2025, Birmingham
If you have an event coming up and would like us to add it in this eAlert, please send us the information via our Help Desk. |