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The SuRF-UK Indicator Set for Sustainable Remediation Assessment supports the SuRF-UK framework document.

This short document supersedes the initially published indicator set published in March 2011 following their further development and refinement through Phase 2 in worked case studies and discussion groups.

The document describes 15 categories of indicators spread over environmental, social and economic factors that can be used for sustainability assessment in support of remediation decision-making.  

It describes the factors included in each of the categories, how the categories were developed and how they can be used to support the SuRF-UK Framework and the key principles underpinning sustainable remediation that the framework identifies.

The indicator descriptions can be downloaded at:

The framework document sets out why sustainability issues associated with remediation needs to be factored in right from the outset of a project. It identifies opportunities for considering sustainability at a number of key points in a sites redevelopment or risk management process.