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SMP Posters

Demonstrate that the people used to undertake the job are competent to do so
Minimise vehicle miles
Consider use of cleaner fuels & additives
Consider opportunities for supporting STEM
Ensure proper maintenance of vehicles, plant & equipment.
Consider the use of a mobile laboratory and/or field testing techniques
Set project milestones to ensure periodic review and optimisation of activities
Establish key roles and responsibilities for sustainability performance and evaluation
Promote the sequestration of carbon through reforestation or afforestation
Consider self-inspection/audit procedures to ensure that permit/consent conditions are being complied with
Hold project meetings by telephone or video conferencing
Consider use of alternative energy sources to power auxiliary equipment
Don’t allow plant and equipment to run for no purpose
Implement measures to prevent flytipping and to remove flytipped wastes
Adopt GPS and computer guided plant to maximise efficiency and reduce unnecessary plant movements
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