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EiCLaR (Enhanced and Innovative In Situ Biotechnologies for Contaminated Land Remediation) was a project funded by the EU and China. It ran from January 2021 until the end of 2024 and was composed of 13 EU and 5 Chinese partners.

EiCLaR has developed scientific and technical innovations for the following four in situ bioremediation technologies for the efficient and cost-effective treatment of a range of environmental pollutants (solvents, metals, hydrocarbons):

  • Electro-Nanobioremediation
  • Monitored Bioaugmentation
  • Bioelectrochemical Remediation
  • Enhanced Phytoremediation

The broad goal of EiCLaR was to enhance performance levels through fusion of different in situ bioremediation technologies with non-biological processes and to expand the range of applications to industrial sites that contain complex, high concentration pollutant mixtures.

The project website can be found at and a whole host of project outputs have been produced, aimed at different stakeholders, shown in the table below:

Output type Download direct or click link to view
Technical Bulletins

A series of documents describing the four EiCLaR technologies and DST in more detail

White Papers

A technical briefing note for each of the EiCLaR technologies, targeted to different practitioner audiences

Decision Support Tool

A decision support tool was developed in the framework of EiCLaR to help remediation companies, site owners and administrative actors choose the most suitable remediation technologies for their sites. The tool is available to use at


Introductory video a short video explaining the project

Animated explainer video an animation aimed at a general audience to provide a broad understanding of the four EiCLaR technologies


Interviews with some of the main people working on the EiCLaR project to find out a bit more about their backgrounds, how they got to their current positions and their role and activities within the project

EiCLaR Podcast #1 – Timothy M Vogel

EiCLaR Podcast #2 – Andreas Tiehm

EiCLaR Podcast #3 – Simon Kleinknecht and Petr Kvapil

EiCLaR Podcast #4 – Kim Johansson

EiCLaR Podcast #5 – Xin Song

EiCLaR Podcast #6 – Azariel Ruiz-Valencia

Education pack

A short, illustrated interactive pdf to help engagement with schools, specifically students in post-16 education and aims to improve and promote a broad understanding of the project and its relevance


Series of regular newsletters to track the activities and progress of the project

Introductory brochure


  • French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) (Coordinator) (France)
  • r3 environmental technology limited (United Kingdom)
  • Technologiezentrum Wasser Karlsruhe (Water Technology Centre) (Germany)
  • University of Stuttgart (Germany)
  • Photon Water Technology s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
  • Waste Science and Technology, Luleå University of Technology (Sweden)
  • Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic)
  • Société Publique d'Aide à la Qualité de l'Environnement (SPAQυE) (Belgium)
  • Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments (CL:AIRE) (United Kingdom)
  • Dutch Sino Business Promotions B.V (Netherlands)
  • BoSS Consult GmbH (Germany)
  • SERPOL (France)
  • EKOGRID OY (Finland)
  • The Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) (Chinese coordinator)
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
  • Zhejiang University (Hangzhou) (China)
  • China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) (China)
  • Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°965945.