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Concawe has recently published a User Manual and Toolbox for Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) management at sites.  The user manual is available here and the toolbox is available to download here.

LNAPL behaviour is complex, and therefore Concawe developed a visual tool to facilitate LNAPL management at sites. The LNAPL Toolbox is intended to be a clear, transparent tool that regulators can use to validate site information. They can also learn about LNAPL so that regulators and site managers are able to make informed decisions using sound science. The LNAPL Toolbox compiles key infographics, nomographs, calculators, mobility models, videos, checklists, and other formats, to address LNAPL quantity, migration area, persistence, risk change over time, recovery and Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) estimation.

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