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AquaConSoil is taking place between 11-15 September 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic and the Programme Committee invites those who wish to contribute to the conference to submit an abstract for an oral presentation for the regular Thematic Sessions, a poster presentation or a proposal for a complete Free Session.

The topics of AquaConSoil 2023 are given below, with further details given at

Topic 1 - Water and soil resource recovery in the context of Circular Economy and European Green Deal
Topic 2 - Soil-water-sediment system contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation
Topic 3 - Sustainable remediation, emerging contaminants and prevention towards zero pollution
Topic 4 - Water and soil in the digital world
Topic 5 - Tools and Systems Thinking Approaches to manage complexity in sustainable soil-water-sediment systems

The deadline for abstracts is 31 January 2023 and full submission guidelines are given at