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A summary of responses to the consultation on the ‘Introduction of mandatory digital waste tracking’ has been published on behalf of all 4 governments in the UK.

In total 713 responses to the consultation were received with a diverse range of interested parties represented across all four nations. On the whole there was broad support for the proposals; of those who responded, 79% agreed with the waste types proposed to be tracked, 73% agreed with the waste activities to be recorded, and 74% agreed with our information recording proposals.  

Some of the key concerns raised were; the increased burden of recording particularly for those involved in moving the same type of waste on a regular basis, the costs of the digital service and the perceived limited impact digital waste tracking will have on fly tipping. 

Alongside the ongoing development of the IT service, there is continuation to refine the policy proposals based on the feedback received to the consultation and discussions with interested groups.


A summary of the responses are here