CL:AIRE is delighted to announce that its Technology and Research Group (TRG) has a new member - Brian Reid, Professor of Soil Science at the University of East Anglia.
The TRG is an advisory group made up of leading professionals who support CL:AIRE on technology development and research, provide guidance on issues relating to the sustainable reuse of land and review all its publications and training.
Brian Reid, University of East Anglia
Brian Reid, is a Professor of Soil Science at the University of East Anglia (UEA, Norwich) and Adjunct Professor with the Chinese Academy of Science Institute for Urban Environment (Xiamen, China). His research has focused on: soil carbon; soil amendments e.g. biochar and paper crumble; soil interactions with contaminants agrochemicals, antibiotics and nutrients, and; the fate and transport of these agents. In prior research Brian pioneered the development of cyclodextrin-based methods to assess hydrophobic organic contaminant bioavailability. He is a Technical Expert in Soil Quality to the BSI and a member of the ISO Soil Quality Technical Committee ‐ TC190. Between 2023-24 Brian was interim Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at UEA.