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Over the last few months we have been building and testing a new Portal where you will create and manage your DoW CoP Declarations; this will replace the Google form system. 

While we have tried to keep the forms familiar, you will notice a few changes, including some of the fields being separated out. This is a move towards best practice in data capture and will allow for more accurate reporting.

Benefits of the new Portal:

  • You can start and save your declarations and return later to complete them.
  • You will see a record of all your declarations and the status of each.
  • The DoW CoP Team will be able to ask you questions via the portal and you can answer them, with that information staying related to your declaration.
  • You will automatically be emailed a copy of your declaration as a pdf when it is issued.
  • Improved quality of data storage. 
  • Enhanced data security.

You will be able to register on the new Portal and use it from 1 October 2021 and the old Google form and website forms will be unavailable from that date.

Please note that your website user account has not been carried across to the new portal and you will need to register.

We have put together some How To articles related to registering on the Portal and submitting a new Declaration, which are available here: You will need to log in to the CL:AIRE website in order to see these articles.

Fee updates for 2021/2022
If you haven't already noted from last months QP eAlert, we remind you that the Administration fee for DoW CoP Declarations will increase on 1 October 2021 to £165 + VAT.

The QP Registration fees for 2022 will remain the same as 2021 at £150 for QPs employed in the private sector and £105 for QPs employed in the public sector.

If you have questions about any of the above,  please get in touch through the Help Desk:

This information was sent to currently registered QPs on Monday 27 September 2021.