This bulletin describes the UK’s first use of Six-Phase Heating (SPH), an in situ electrical resistive heating technology, to mitigate the risk posed by historic contamination of a former tools manufacturing site in Sheffield by source removal. The demonstration has passed through CL:AIRE’s peer review system and is a CL:AIRE Technology Demonstration Project (TDP 26).
The principal contaminants of concern driving the risk were trichloroethene (TCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) in the soil (human health risk) and TCE within the groundwater (environmental risk).
TDP 28 - In situ radio frequency heating (ISRFH) of hydrocarbon contaminated chalk at a former service station in Kent (2011)
TDP28 is called “In situ radio frequency heating of hydrocarbon contaminated Chalk at a former service station in Kent”. Ecologia was appointed by Total UK Ltd to conduct a trial to assess the effectiveness and the commercial viability of combining soil vapour extraction with in situ radio frequency heating technology in order to remove volatile and semi-volatile organic contaminants from soil.
TDP 30 - In Situ 'Deliverability' Trials Using Calcium Polysulphide to Treat Chromium Contamination at Shawfield, Glasgow
TDP 31 - Demonstration of the ArviaTM process of adsorption coupled with electrochemical regeneration for the on-site, ex situ, decomposition of organic contaminants in groundwater (2013)
TDP31 Bulletin - Demonstration of the ArviaTM process of adsorption coupled with electrochemical regeneration for the on-site, ex situ, decomposition of organic contaminants in groundwater