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Full day Non-Licensable Work (NLW), including Notifiable Non-Licensable Work (NNLW), inclusive of practical training, for professionals working on and in asbestos-contaminated land (7 hours plus 45 minute exam).

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

A 1 day course that will provide delegates with the knowledge, understanding and skills to undertake work in ground and C&D materials that are contaminated with asbestos, which may be classed as NLW. Successful completion of the course will allow competent persons to undertake this work in accordance with Regulation 10 of CAR 2012 and CAR-SOIL.

The Non-Licensable Work (NLW) with asbestos, including Notifiable Non-Licensable Work (NNLW), training covers the following:

• how to make suitable and sufficient assessments about the risk of exposure to asbestos in the ground
• safe work practices and control measures, including an explanation of the correct use of control measures, protective equipment and work methods
• selection and appropriate use of protective equipment
• waste handling procedures
• emergency procedures
• relevant legal requirements
• circumstances when non-licensed work may be notifiable (i.e. NNLW)

Attainment of the learning outcome for the NLW qualification will be assessed by a multiple choice examination consisting of 30 questions under exam conditions.

Candidates will be required to achieve a score of at least 23 out of 30 (77%) in the examination. Failure to achieve this will result in the candidate being required to re-take the examination under exam conditions on the same day. If a candidate further fails the second attempt then they will be required to re-sit the course in its entirety.

Who should attend the course:

Professionals working on and in asbestos-contaminated land: environmental consultants, ground investigation workers, remediation contractors, construction/development, waste processing and recycling plant operators, regulators.


All delegates MUST be able to demonstrate that they have attended an Asbestos Awareness training course which satisfied the requirements of Regulation 10 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the supporting Approved Code of Practice L143 "Managing and working with asbestos", and achieved an examination pass mark.

Whilst demonstration of passing a standard Asbestos Awareness course is acceptable, candidates may benefit from taking the Asbestos Awareness for Soil course, as this will better prepare you for some of the specific issues that arise with asbestos in soils and construction and demolition materials when taking the NLW for soils course.

The Asbestos Awareness training course may have been delivered online or face-to-face and may be evidenced by means of a certificate and/or a signed and authenticated copy of the individual's formal Training Record. If the Asbestos Awareness training course has been taken more than 12 months prior to booking on this NLW course, the certificate and/or Training Record must be accompanied by documented and verifiable refresher training that has been delivered to the candidate in the last 12 months.

If you do not have this evidence or have not already attended an Asbestos Awareness Course please contact the Help Desk.

Course Programme

Duration 7 hours (contact time)
Registration, Tea/coffee and informal networking with tutors 8.15-8.45am
Lunch (provided) and informal networking with tutors
Exam Review/close out with tutors 17.15pm - 17.30pm

About the Trainer:

Steve Forster

Stephen Forster has over 33 years' experience in all aspects of the investigation, assessment and management of asbestos and contaminated land in various roles. He has developed broad-ranging practical experience and expertise in the fields of both asbestos in buildings management and investigation and assessment of asbestos-contaminated land, recycled C&D materials and wastes.

He is Chair of the Joint Industry Working Group on Asbestos in Soil and Construction & Demolition Material and was the author of the industry guidance interpreting the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 for application in the assessment of land contaminated by asbestos – CAR-SOIL (CL:AIRE, 2016), developed in conjunction with the Health & Safety Executive.

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