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Article Index

GWSDAT V3.2 updates

  • Well Influence Analysis: Building on the existing well redundancy analysis feature, GWSDAT now provides an ordered well omission list such that the wells estimated to have the least influence are presented first. This offers users more assistance in assessing which monitoring wells may be the most suitable for future omission and eventual decommissioning. This well influence order is established via a procedure fully documented here and here.

  • GW Well Report Functionality: Ability to export the full collection of Well Time Series plots which can include overlaid groundwater and NAPL thickness. See section 6.5 of the user manual – here.


  • For GWSDAT R Developers:
    • New R package released on CRAN here and on GitHub here.
    • New functionality to read in data.frames directly to the GWSDAT R package – see here.
    • Beta implementation of online GWSDAT Application Programming Interface (API). This allows users to pass data directly to the online version via URL arguments - see here.
  • Updated User Manual: A fully comprehensive updated description of GWSDAT - including Well Influence Analysis.
  • Bug Fixes and Enhancements: Numerous bug fixes and enhancements. For example, support for Windows Meta File image format output for spatial plot - useful for rearranging overlapping well labels. Updated Excel Add-in - more robust to 32 bit versus 64 bit version of Excel.