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A number of sites have been brought to CL:AIRE’s attention by the Environment Agency where the Definition of Waste: Code of Practice (DoW CoP) has been mis-used to deposit materials in an agricultural setting. CL:AIRE needs to clarify to Qualified Persons (QPs) and projects that such use is outside the DoW CoP scheme. This is made clear in the questions asked of the QP in the Declaration, where the QP has to specifically tick a check box that states the materials use intended does not include agricultural land raising or re-profiling.

CL:AIRE and the Environment Agency are pleased to announce work has begun on a full redraft of the Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice (DoW CoP).

This will involve a full revision and redraft of the main document. It will incorporate the changes needed to ensure that the document is clear, legally robust and allows the regulator to take enforcement action when necessary. It will also provide the clarity needed around what materials and sites are within scope of the DoW CoP. The work should ensure the long-term future of the initiative which has seen huge success since its launch back in 2009.

Qualified Persons (QPs) are reminded that the deadline to renew QP Registrations is Tuesday, 31 January 2023
The renewal link can be accessed from the Actions panel of your QP Dashboard (the first page you land on after logging in 
QPs who have not completed their renewals by this deadline will be removed from the QP Register and will not be able to act as a QP until their registration is in order. 
The following QP renewal 2023 checklist will ensure you are up-to-date and able to renew.

Renewal of QP Registrations for 2022 will open only from Tuesday, 4 January 2022. It has been postponed to allow for website maintenance to take place from 25 December to 3 January inclusive. The Declarations Portal will not be affected by the website downtime.

The following QP renewal 2022 checklist will ensure you are up-to-date and able to renew.

Qualified Persons are reminded that QP Renewals will be open from Tuesday, 3 January 2023

The renewal link will be made available on the Actions panel of your QP Dashboard (the first page you land on after logging in at

The following QP renewal 2023 checklist will ensure you are up-to-date and able to renew.