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The Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice (DoW CoP) sets out good practice for industry to follow in the management of excavated materials. It describes an auditable system to demonstrate that the DoW CoP has been applied correctly. CL:AIRE introduced the auditing of projects applying the DoW CoP in 2019 to support its commitment to maintaining and improving industry standards.This work comprises 3 types of audits:

  • Ongoing Project Audits: continuous, randomised auditing of Projects applying the DoW CoP.
  • Whistleblower Audits: targeted auditing of Projects applying the DoW CoP, which have been flagged to CL:AIRE by a concerned third party.
  • Qualified Person (QP) Audits: annual auditing following the QP renewal period, to ensure requirements of the QP role are met.

To provide users of the DoW CoP with more transparency and an understanding of what to expect when selected for audit, the following pages provide a summary of the auditing procedures followed by CL:AIRE.