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Qualified Person (QP) Auditing Procedures

  1. Requirements of the QP Role
    1. As part of the registration process all new Qualified Persons (QPs) are required to pass an Online Assessment.
      1. Re-testing every 5 years is a requirement for all current QPs to ensure knowledge of the DoW CoP is maintained.
    2. Annually, QPs are required to log a minimum of 30 hours of Continued Professional Development (CPD) on the planning, management, regulation or oversight of DoW CoP, remediation or other projects involving materials management.
    3. QPs can either log their CPD directly on the CL:AIRE system, or to avoid duplication, simply upload their logs recorded on alternative platforms.
    4. QPs are required to have active Chartered status from an appropriate professional body.
    5. To remain active, QPs are required to renew their QP status annually.
  2. Selection of QPs for Audit
    1. QP audits are carried out annually.
    2. Approximately 10% of Qualified Person Renewals are randomly selected for audit.
    3. Selected QPs are checked against the previous year's audit to ensure individuals are not audited in consecutive years.
  3. QP Audit
    1. The audit first checks whether the QP’s CPD log is present on the CL:AIRE system.
      1. The procedure followed when a CPD log is missing or QP requirements are not met is detailed in section 4 below.
    2. The QPs CPD log is reviewed and the audit assesses:
      1. If the CPD log was uploaded on time;
      2. If the minimum number of CPD hours have been achieved;
      3. If the logged CPD is appropriate and relevant to the DoW CoP; and
      4. If the QP has provided adequate detail of the activities logged.
    3. Where QPs have two previous failed attempts at the QP Online Assessment, the audit considers if any agreed additional CPD hours have been met.
    4. The QP’s evidence of active Chartered status is checked to ensure it is up-to-date.
  4. Outcomes
    1. If a QP has not uploaded their CPD log, or does not meet the QP requirements, they will be contacted to agree a time frame in which they can submit / update their CPD log / Chartership evidence.
    2. If the QP’s CPD log / evidence is not received within the agreed time frame, the QP will be temporarily suspended from the QP Register.
    3. The QP will be notified of the suspension and asked to provide the required information.
    4. The QP should update their CPD log or provide any required evidence and inform CL:AIRE once they have done so.
    5. The CPD log / Chartership evidence will be reviewed (as per section 3. above) and if satisfactory the QP is reinstated to the QP Register.
    6. Audit outcomes are held on CL:AIRE’s records.