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**** Next Application Window Opens 2 January 2025 and closes 28 February 2025****

In order to submit your Application to become a TGPV Technician level of accreditation is intended for field technicians who confine their work to inspections and do not prepare verification design or method statements (although they will follow ones prepared by others) and do not prepare validation reports (although they do prepare field records that form part of the validation report) or SGPV Specialist level of accreditation applies to those involved in the whole range of gas protection verification including design of the verification, preparation of method statements, inspections and validation reports. Accredited Person, you will need to have prepared the following documentation:

For TGPV you will need to complete the application form, and include:

  • details of a referee that the assessors can contact if required
  • relevant employment history
  • an example of a Verification Plan including evidence of your input and
  • example of the corresponding Validation Report

For SGPV, you will need to complete the application form and include:

  • details of a referee that the assessors can contact if required
  • a current CV
  • relevant employment history
  • an example of a full detailed Verification Plan that you have prepared
  • example of the corresponding final Validation Report that you have prepared
  • sample GPVS Declaration

Please Note: If you have already been awarded NVQ Level 4 in Verification of Gas Protection Measures, you are eligible to automatically be awarded TGPV status and no further assessment will be needed, however registration payment will still be required. If you are applying for SGPV, an interview along with submission of supporting SGPV documentation will still be required. 

Before applying, please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the assessment criteria and competencies that candidates will be assessed against as part of your interview.