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Application for Accreditation

Technician level (TGPV) = £249.00 + VAT
Specialist level (SGPV) = £249.00 + VAT
Appeal Fee = £95.00 + VAT
Annual Registration for SGPVs (annualised renewal date 31 October ) = £100.00 +VAT (prorata from awarding of accreditation in first year only)

Declaration Fee

Declaration for residential site (maximum 50 plots per declaration) = £95.00 + VAT
Declaration for commercial/retail site = £95.00 + VAT
Discounts are available for SGPVs if they can provide evidence that they will use the following volumes of declarations per year:
50% discount when 200 declarations purchased annually = £47.50 + VAT*
25% discount when 150 - 199 declarations purchased annually = £71.25 + VAT*
15% discount when 100 - 149 declarations purchased annually = £80.75 + VAT*
Bulk purchasing is available on request for a minimum of 200 declarations.
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